Baker Tilly Partner Appointed As Member of MAIC

We are pleased to announce that Baker Tilly Malaysia's Partner, Andy Lee, has been appointed to the MFRS Application and Implementation Committee (MAIC).
The MAIC was first established by the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB) early this year and is entrusted to look into issues where there are existing and potential divergent practices, as well as facilitating consistent application and implementation of the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (MFRS), for the benefit of the capital market. It is also responsible for considering application and implementation issues raised by users of the MFRS and deciding issues merit for MASB Board's consideration to publish guidance in the form of MFRS Application and Implementation Guide (MAIG).
The MAIC comprises members with interest and expertise in the subject matter drawn from the accountancy profession, the corporate sector and industry groups.
We are proud of the recognition given to Andy via this appointment, to represent the profession and the industry.