Social Initiatives
Here at Baker Tilly Malaysia, we prioritise our approach to people, following our global theme of #GreatRelationships, we aim to be productive to the community that we operate within.

Baker Tilly Pause
As the #bestplacetowork, we value the hard work put in by all our amazing Baker Tillians.
We care about the wellbeing of our people, and are committed to giving them the break they deserve with a pause one week a year.
During this week, our office will be closed for our people to rest and rejuvenate.
Recreational Space
O@s1s is our multi-purpose space where employees can relax by playing Street Fighter, shoot some hoops or darts, and enjoy a snack or drink from the vending machines.
Vaccination Drive
In an effort to protect our people, along with the goal of pushing towards some normalcy at the workplace amidst the second Movement Control Order, we partnered with MySelangkah to provide free vaccinations to our Baker Tillians. The resulting turnout was great, where the majority of our previously unvaccinated employees, adorned in their house colours, attended their appointments and got protected against COVID-19.
Today, we can proudly say that our whole Head office is Fully Vaccinated, the majority of whom are also fully boosted!
Dressing Down
Comfort at the workplace isn't only about the work environment, it is also important for people to be able to dress comfortably. A business casual dress code is, thus, the best way to achieve this.

Mental Wellness
Mental Health is a pertinent topic when it comes to the workplace. As a result, we decided to forge a relationship with The Mind Psychological Services and Training during the pandemic, which provided free voluntary consultations, a corporate rate and an emergency hotline for our employees, as part of our Employee Assistance Program.
Now, Baker Tillians are able to use this resource to engage in the important dialogue around their mental wellness, whilst also getting input from accomplished mental health professionals.

Physical Wellness
Physical Health is just as important as Mental Wellbeing. As a matter-of-fact, it often goes hand-in-hand with it.
In line with this, we hold free Yoga and Metafit sessions in O@s1s for our employees to enjoy a refreshing work out.

Workplace Diversity
Here at Baker Tilly Malaysia, we hold no Bias, nor Prejudice, and welcome people of all Talents and Walks of Life!
In terms of staff mix, our current staff ratio is 60% women and 40% men. At the leadership level, our ratio is 45% women and 55% men.
Our Social Initiatives | Community

Contribution to Yayasan Chow Kit
About a month ago, we concluded our Baker Tilly Malaysia Tax & Budget Webinar. All proceeds from the Webinar Fees were donated to Yayasan Chow Kit, a 24-hour crisis and drop-in centre providing meals, activities, therapy, case management, and educational programmes for at-risk children and teenagers around Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur.
These proceeds have been utilised by Yayasan Chow Kit (YCK):
-To purchase sports shoes for 120 children and teenagers aged 7 to 18 years
-To purchase a karaoke set, to encourage children and teenagers to spend time at the YCK drop-in centre rather than on the streets and
-To celebrate the birthdays of the children and teenagers once every quarter.
On the eve of the Hari Raya holidays, we are glad to have been able to visit YCK’s centre at KL Krash Pad and to learn more about the work at YCK. We were also glad to have been able to hear touching stories of how the lives of the children have been turned around.
Around Mid-year 2021, we felt that morale was low as a result of the constant MCOs and general isolation that many of our staff were facing as a result of the pandemic.
In light of this, we came up with a fun little challenge for them to participate in, where the winner would take home a prize pool, along with the chance to make a donation from the firm to any charity of their choice!

#DoingMoreTogether Drive
To follow-up on the previous challenge, we felt that we wanted to do something that was purely charity-driven. That is when we conducted the #DoingMoreTogether donation drive. The theme behind it was simple, for every ringgit put in by the staff, the firm would match it. This ended up being a huge success due to the generosity our our Baker Tillians!
With the firm matching staff donations, we were able to donate just over RM25,000, spread accross several organisations like the Community Transformation Initiative, Kiwanis Taman Desa & various volunteer teams, eventually delivering care packages to help those that could not afford provisions during the MCO, aiding over 300 households!

Sexual Education
In 2021, we sponsored an event held by Time To Talk that was set on unraveling the taboos around sexual education; a very pertinent topic in today's social climate.
Time To Talk are an event-based student organisation, operating out of IUMW and founded in 2018, that aims to disseminate information on current issues. If you would like to watch the event, you can do so HERE.
Financial Literacy
At Baker Tilly, we are committed to assisting those within our reach through various initiatives that help inspire and impact change. The Financial Literacy for Youths Malaysia programme is an initiative started for students, by students. They are a passionate group of young people who want to make a difference in their community by:
- Developing the youths of the world in basic financial necessity
- Improving the standard of financial literacy
- Nation building
- Encouraging reading and writing amongst youths.
Organisations such as FLY Malaysia demonstrate the altruism that is often lacking in the world, and Baker Tilly Malaysia is proud to have developed a relationship with them and contributed to their cause.

Blood Donation Drive
Blood is something you have, and will reproduce, even if you give it away to save lives. In 2018, we held a blood donation drive, in our very own O@sis, where many of our Baker Tillians were selfless enough to participate.
As we aim to become the #BestPlaceToWork, this includes creating a better and healthier environment. To that end, we encourage our people to volunteer and do good for the community around them so that we can all benefit from eachother's actions.